May 23, 2008


There's this scene in a movie I saw years ago.

Pretty girl gets dumped by Hot guy and then Pretty Girl goes to find Geeky boy Neighbor Who Loves Her for a backup date.

Geeky boy Neighbor Who Loves Her refuses and says "I can't always be your second choice; Not When you're my first."

Here's what's going on with my life now:

1. It's another lonely night in OCS where its the dreaded cbre tests tmr. Gas masks are a turnoff, totally.
2. My level of frrivolous purchases has gone up, with me buying a swatch watch on impulse.
3. I hate getting stood up. I think it is basic morals to keep your promises.
4. Had a platoon 3 gathering at kuishin-bo (however you spell it). It was awesome. These guys keep me sane in the insane world I live in. As corrine may puts it, Safe in a crazy world.
5. The song "I will follow you into the dark" is perhaps one of the highest played songs in my itunes now.

May 11, 2008

digital love

When I am feeling nostalgic or just plain bored, I often open up the saved chat logs and read through them. I can almost feel the past reenact right in front of me. Digital information lasts forever, and that bit of memory is actually just a few kilobytes of data in the gigabytes of storage i have. That information will never be gone but at the same time, they will never be back.

That summer love; You take me by the heart when you take me by the hand.

May 7, 2008


Having been the unfortunate victim of the monkey bars in the standard obstacle course, my palms are (again) blistered and bleeding. We however have been fortunate enough to have in our possesion the fabled green grass oil.

The green grass oil is touted as china's answer to blisters and any other open wounds and us officers-to-be decided to try it out last night.

It must have been a comical sight, to see me and justin fumbling with the bottle and putting a few drops on our palms.

Then we felt the pain.

It was as if ten milllion needles were trying to force their way into that small open wound and in the process rip the nerves out of your skin. There we were screaming and hopping trying to somehow ease the pain but it was relentless.

That was fun.

Now I guess I can relate to why people cut themselves. Cause it feels so good when the pain stops.

May 4, 2008

welcome home; you

They say people devote themselves to something inanely with all their minds for three reasons.
Either they're crazy, passionate or they're trying to forget.
With you, I knew you were trying to forget. All i needed to know was her name.

-Gus, The notebook.